Getting Started

Zuthaka is composed of a front-end that exposes a UI for the API of process manager, file manager, shell post-exploitation modules and general C2 handling, and a back-end, in charge of handling the consistency and availability issues of the C2s instantiated in Zuthaka. Also deployed is Redis as a message broker to handle asynchronously every element in the Agent's UI and an Nginx server.


The installation of a working Docker instance is necessary for the automatic deployment of the essential infrastructure (Zuthaka's frontend and backend, Nginx, Redis). All the desired C2s that need to be handled should be deployed in parallel.

Docker Installation

To build the full Zuthaka project, first download dependencies.

 git clone

To start the project with the corresponding handler classes, first build the image by running

docker build .

To start the project with the corresponding services, the docker-compose file can be utilized.

docker-compose up


After you have started the server, you can access the Zuthaka interface through http://localhost:80/ in which the default credentials will be User: pucara Password: zuthaka_project

You should change the default password

You can update the default password by clicking on the upper right corner.

Last updated